Transfer Coverage From Your Auto Insurance Policy – If you are going to be renting a car and you have an existing auto insurance policy you should take your insurance I.D. card with you when you rent the car. The car rental company may ask for it and it can save you a lot of time and money if you are pulled over by the police in your vehicle. The coverage and deductions on your own auto insurance policy will automatically transfer to cars that you rent as long as you are not using the rental car for business or renting in another country. You should check the page of your personal auto insurance policy to find out if you currently carry Property Damage Liability, Comprehensive and accident coverage. Make note of your Property Damage Liability limit and your Comprehensive and Collision Deductible. If you are renting a car in another country you should definitely purchase coverage at the rental counter as most personal auto insurance policies only cover the owners in the country where the policy was written. Damages to your rental car will be covered by the Property Damage Liability portion of your personal auto insurance policy if you are renting the car for pleasure use. However, if you were involved in an accident that is covered by your auto insurance policy and your car is in the shop being repaired. Damages to the replacement car that you rent will be covered by the Comprehensive and Collision coverage portion of your personal auto insurance policy. That means that you will have to pay the deductible for these coverages if you damage the rental car.

Health Insurance can be a tricky though important financial choice for any of us. Whether you’re getting ready to be a parent or taking care of your elderly, having health insurance will provide you with some peace of mind while handling critical medical situations. When you are looking for a group health insurance or for an individual health plan, finding the best plan that suits you is a tedious process. The legal language or what is called as the Policy Wording often makes the process of choosing the right insurance harder. With increasing healthcare costs, it becomes important to get health protection as early as possible. This is because, with age, health issues like BP or diabetes may occur and reduce your chances of getting a cheaper and comprehensive health cover.
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