Beginilah Al-quran Menjelaskan, Jika Suami Suka Mencium Atau Menjil4t Kem4lu4n Istrinya. silahkan Baca ...
Making a claim if your car is stolen If your car is stolen, even for a short time, tell the police and your insurer immediately and check to see if your policy covers the cost of a replacement vehicle. If you’re paying your premium by installments you may have to keep paying until your policy is due for renewal. Know what all is covered in your insurance policy. Your insurer may wait to see if the vehicle is found. If they settle your claim and the vehicle is then found they will keep the vehicle. If your car isn’t found your insurer should pay you its market value, which is what you could have sold it for. If you’re not satisfied with how much the insurer offers you, try to prove the car was worth more, by using car price guides or prices in local papers. An insurance pay-out may end your policy but this depends on the policy. If you paid the full amount up front, you probably won’t get the rest of your premium refunded.

Many of us aren't aware of what is Health insurance? alternatively referred to as, medical insurance or simply mediclaim, It is basically a type of insurance coverage that covers the cost of an individual's medical and surgical expenses. The individual, also known as the insured, pays a fixed sum (premium), every year for the health cover. In case of a medical problem that necessitates surgery/hospitalization, the insured is reimbursed by the health insurance company either directly in cash or indirectly through payment to the hospital / clinic. Taking health insurance is one of those things an individual cannot ignore given the rising costs of treating health problems. Inflation in medicare or medical treatment is a lot higher than general inflation or inflation in other categories like food and clothing. While inflation in most categories is in single digits, inflation in medicare is often higher. Take cancer treatment, the cost of which today could vary in the region of Rs 2 lakhs to upwards of Rs 4 lakhs per round/cycle, depending on the stage or type of cancer.
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