Inilah,Detik-detik 2 Wanita Terjun dari Apartemen di Bandung, Warga Sempat Membujuk tapi Akhirnya Berakhir Mengejutkan….!
While the items above can make it so that your car insurance is pretty much as good as having no insurance at all, there are other actions that can simply cause your insurance to be unusable in certain situations. Here’s a list of things that can lead to a claim on your insurance policy being denied: Failure to report an accident – If you have an accident, even in the event of a minor fender bender, your insurer can deny any claims you submit afterward if they feel that they may be related to an undisclosed accident. Fibbing about your mileage – You may or may not have heard of such a thing, but there is a type of car insurance known as a ‘capped’ policy that limits the number of miles your vehicle can be driven in a single year while still remaining insured. Just be careful not to go over the cap, or any claims you make on your policy may be denied. Driving with unsecured pets – Being a responsible pet owner is about more than just regular walks and feedings. When driving with your pet, if they are not secured, they could be a distraction to your driving, or even physically get in the way. Due to this, if your insurer finds out you were driving with an unsecured pet, any claims you make on your policy will likely be declined. Letting someone else drive – In case you didn’t know, your car insurance policy actually covers you and not the car. (Why don’t they call it driver insurance then, am I right?) As much as it can be convenient to let somebody else take the wheel, this driver will not be insured by a standard car insurance policy, as it will only apply to you. Changing jobs – Underwriters actually do consider the job you have when they are setting your car insurance premiums. Because of this, it’s important that you update them when you switch positions. Failure to do so can lead to claim denial further down the line. Driving with improper footwear – You may have heard that it’s illegal to drive with bare feet. While this is not always true, it is true that any claims on your car insurance policy may be denied if you have on footwear that may hinder your ability to drive. With this in mind, please leave you platform shoes with the goldfish in them in the back seat until you’re finished driving. Decorating your mirrors or windshield – You know that mirrors on your car are for more than just looking at yourself, right? The real reason they are there is to allow you to see every angle around your car so that you can drive safely. If you obscure your view through your windows or mirrors, you may find that any claims you make on your insurance get declined. Forgetting to lock your car – Locking your keys in your car is annoying, but nobody will accuse you of enabling somebody else to steal your car if you do. Leaving your car unlocked – whether knowingly or by accident – on the other hand, can allow a thief to take your vehicle in a flash, and lead to your theft claim being denied. Driving in a way or place you shouldn’t – You may have a fast car, but taking it on a raceway, or engaging in a street race or similarly dangerous activity, will most likely get any resulting claims declined

Health insurance is aimed at people who have concluded a contract with the chosen insurance company. This company undertakes to pay a certain part of their medical expenses if they get hurt or sick and have to visit a hospital or doctor’s office. Some contracts, or policies, may also cover the expenses on preventive health care such as annual physicals or immunizations. Instead, these people pay a premium every month in case something happens. However, the coverage as well as health insurance rates can vary considerably. That’s why you should pay attention to the amount of your bill that insurance companies offer to pay, and under what circumstances they’ll pay it. But the diversity of plans gives an opportunity to select the one that would be right for you and suit your needs. Since health care costs can be very high, a certain number of people (especially the young) forego even the most basic health insurance because they consider it an expense they simply don’t need. But such madcaps should note that health insurance is not only the expenditure of money, but also a way to cheaper healthcare, protection from debt and bankruptcy caused by unpaid medical bills, and peace of mind.
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