When you step up to the Rental Car office the Rental Agent is going to ask you if you want to purchase insurance for the auto or vehicle. If you say no they will ask you to initial next to each coverage that you have declined. The decisions that you make in these few moments could have a drastic impact on your financial situation going forward. Deciding if you need to buy the automobile insurance offered at the Rental Car counter before you arrive can keep you from accruing a serious financial meltdown or wasting your money on insurance for a vehicle that you already have or dont need. Its not like you are going to be racing the motor car is it .And of course you will take great care of their precious BMW Automobile or whatever the heck they give you.One of the questions that we are asked most as auto insurance agents is “Do I need to purchase the auto insurance at the rental car counter when I rent a car?” The answer to this question is maybe,maybe not. You may be able to provide coverage for the rental car using insurance policies you already have or you may decide you need to purchase additional protection. In this article we are going to give you the information that you need to make these decisions.

Coverage of Medical Conditions and Health Care Expenses Most health insurance providers offer some in-hospitalization and post hospitalization expense coverage. Some providers also insure and pay for procedures like x-rays, dental treatments, and radiotherapy even when it does not require hospitalization. Also, certain health insurance plans cover expenses incurred while using hospital equipment and ambulance. With the increasing occurrence of lifestyle-related illnesses like obesity, infertility, etc., providers are offering innovative products that support recovery and also cover alternative treatments like Ayurveda.
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